Wednesday 11 December 2013

Happy Morn.

Slfish Line bt True:

 In Life All Our Dreams Don't Bcum True. . 
Coz Some of Our Dreams Demands Someone Who Can Never Be Ours...!

 Happy Morn.


Painful Thought : 

Peoples In Todays World, 
If u Give Them True Love & Care, 
Pain Is The Only Thing What u an Expect Back in Return

. Happy Morn.

I'm Single

I'm Single Not Because,
              I Don't Pray For Love.
                        I'm Single Because I Don't Play With Love . . .

Happy Sunday. .


A Life Spent Making Mistakes Is Not Only 
More Honorable, But More Useful Than a Life Spent Doing Nothing. . .

 ! Happy Week End. .
You Cannot Depend On Your Eyes When Your Imagination Is Out Of Focus. . . ! Lovely Morn.
In Earlier Time Feelings Were Much More Importnt Than Words! But Now a Days Words Have Great Importnce Since People Dont Undrstand Feelings! Chill Morn. .
Knowing Is Not Enough ; We Must Apply. Willing Is Not Enough ; we Must Do. . . Happy Morn.